I will do my best to keep this post as succinct as possible. In short, the theme continues; the act of finding joy in the simplicities of life carries on. The desire to be better at finding satisfaction in all and satisfaction in nothing remains the continued goal.
Allan and I have thoroughly enjoyed Bridgetown Church’s series entitled, “Naming Your Stage of Apprenticeship”. More specifically we’ve identified with the most recent set of sermons called, “The Dark Night of the Soul” and “The Dark Night of the Soul Pt. 2”.
Essentially the series details the various stages of life and how that looks for us at various stages in our faith. The series expounds on how its ok to confront the reality of our life (in all it’s twisty, emotional, messy-ness) and appreciate it for what it is, to find contentment in reality. Because it’s not easy to actively hold reality in my mind calmly and peacefully, these particular posts act as a practice in just that, appreciating moments in my life however seemingly small.
SO here we are agaaaaain, another post about simple moments captured, because I think this is something I will need to practice time and again. I will FOREVER continue learning how to relinquish my death grip on what I expect life to be (because I’m an enneagram type 1, so there’s that) and practice peaceful contentment instead. Most recently I’ve found contentment in the following:
Clover forever attached to Allan’s side (because he is the apple of her eye!)
Allan bringing up the laundry and simply being still in our small apartment
Picking apricots with sweet friends in anticipation of making them into jam (the apricots, not our friends)
Allan playing with our landlord’s derpy dog, Zoey (ironically enough, Allan is also the apple of her eye. Do we see a theme here? Ha!)
Picnics after church by the lake
Picnics with friends from afar
Allan skateboarding with an old/dear friend as adults