My silly little blogging adventure started 10 years ago last month. *hence the celebratory confetti* It's wild to think I proverbially put pen to paper roughly one decade ago.
Although my blog contains nothing life-changing (and largely nothing note-worthy to most people) it's been a treat to have a creative outlet, a secluded space for whatever, on the internet. My posting is sparse at best, but regardless of my sporadic posting habits I truly enjoy the fabrication that goes into a blog post. It's enjoyable because it gives me the opportunity to produce something creative even if the end result is not very good or difficult per se.
This blog also acts as a continual time stamp for my personal life. It's fun to scroll back and see what experiences were had, what lessons were learned, what projects were attempted, et cetera, et cetera.
So here's to many more un-important posts. I look forward to another decade of putz-ing around on the world wide web.